Easy beetroot and goat cheese salad

I know it’s been a while since I posted anything, but I was super busy with work and traveling again and I tried to gain some inspiration from my trips, my plans for a lifestyle change and just be so much more creative then before. I decided that I will try to use only seasonal products to create recipes and make easy, healthy and also extraordinary tastes. I will slowly get back to blogging again and I hope you’ll enjoy my creatures with cheese again and give feedback on what you’d like to see here and what kind of cheese, spices and ingredients you’d want me to try to make something new and groundbreaking.  🙂

Because you all know there is no food without cheese  🙂


So here’s an easy beetroot salad that you can have for lunch or dinner…or breakfast if you’d like…


    • 200 gramms of beetroot
    • 1 or 2 small carrots
    • 1 apple ( I used Golden, but if you like you can use a more sour kind )
    • parsley
    •  pomegranate
    • salt & pepper
    • fresh goat cheese


  1. Peel the veggies and cut them into 2×2 cm cubes
  2. Pre-heat the oven to 180 Celsius
  3.  Put the beetroot, carrot to the own with a pinch of salt, pepper and spill some olive oil on it. Bake it for 25 mins till the veggies start get soft then add the chopped apples as well. ( If you feel it is getting dry, add a 0, 5 dl water )
  4. Bake it for an additional 15 mins till the apple gets soft as well.
  5. Pour the baked veggies to a bowl
  6. Cut the goat cheese to small pieces, chop parsley and stir it together with the veggies.
  7. To finish strew the seeds of a half pomegranate on top and it is ready to be served.  Enjoy 🙂


One thought on “Easy beetroot and goat cheese salad

  1. Hey cheeselover
    I.like ur blog
    I see u into Dutch cheeses
    If u ever wanna talk cheese let me know as a chef world traveler and a true amsterdammer I know my cheeses well
    Greeting Ed


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