Unforgetable Chocolate Stout Beer Cheescake

Chocolate Stout Beer Cheescake

The  weather is said to be good this weekend so I am pretty excited that I’ll have a chance to spend the Saturday out with friends in a park along with some delicious munchies.

It’s beencheese2 raining in the last couple of weeks so having the Sun out and a nice, clean weather is something we have all been waiting for.Sunscreen, hats, and shorts are needed finally and we can soak in some solar energy aswell. It is really nice to have a ” nothing to do” type of day without internet anyway  and conversate with your hungovered friends while laying on blanket.

I have been thinking a lot about what to bring for this potluck as my friends usually make the same stuffs: dips, fresh bread, home-made marmalade and sausage – which is of course the best thing you could dream of on a Sunday -, however its not so pleasing if all of you bring the same foods… hahah…

So I am excited to make something extraordinary and mouth watering for the event, however I just can’t  ignore the fact that I have been having  extreme amounts of work at the office this week…. result: NO TIME FOR SOMETHING SURPRISINGLY GOURMET…but who cares, I’ll bake something that will combine all the things my friends are addicted to as well: beer, cheescake, fresh fruits, healthy living… I think it will work for all invitants… at least I hope… 😉

So here’s  the  Chocolate Stout beer cheesecake recipe I imagined …

I really hope that my pals will like it and please share with me what your friends and beloved ones thought about the recipe… Enjoy summer time!! 🙂

Ingredients cheese4

  • 1 cup oatmeal cookie crumbs
  • 5 tbsp low fat, sugar free  cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp cane sugar
  • 2 tbsp butter,melted
  • 2 tbsp heavy cream
  • 8 oz lowfat cream cheese
  • 4 oz mascarpone
  • 1/2 low fat natural yogurt
  • 3 eggs
  • hint of salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 chopped apple
  • 1 sliced apple
  • 3/4 cup Guinness


  1. Mix the oatmeal cookie crumbs, 2 tbsp cocoa powder, 1 tbsp  cane sugar and melted butter together in a medium bowl.  Pour into the base on a 9-inch springform pan and press down into the bottom of it. Store in the freezer for 1-2 hours or  while you make the filling. The longer it stays in the freezer the better it gets.
  2. Preheat oven to 350 F ( 180 celsius) .
  3. In a separate big bowl mix 2 tbsp cocoa powder and heavy cream, stirring together until combined.
  4. Add the cream cheese, mascarpone, mix in 1 tbsp of cane sugar, yogurt, eggs, vanilla extract, chopped apple and the Guinness.
  5. Pour this mixture into the springform pan and decorate the top with some sliced apple.
  6. Bake for 50- 60 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the cheesecake in the oven, with a wooden spoon in the oven door to hold it slightly ajar. Let sit for 60 minutes.
  7. Chill in the fridge overnight before serving.


Enjoy+Enjoy+ Enjoy 🙂





Cheesy outdoors spring picnic #1

Cheesy outdoors spring picnic #1

12992351_10208462086684736_1751558468_nI have not written anything for a long time since I had a lot of work and Spring has also started here therefore I tried to spend as much time out in the nature as possible.

I really had to abandon my kitchen for a while but the  thought of creating cheesy recipes for sunny outdoors events inspired me a lot.  You know you don’t always have to create something totally mind-blowing if you would like to both enjoy good weather and your favourite ingredients . 🙂

So what I figured out for a perfect picnic is…. ok, I have several ideas so lets make a series of outdoors indulgence and let  ourselves be as greedy as possible on cold beer and tasty cheese….yummmm

The 1st recipe to be shared is a Stout beer  bread based grilled cheese with fresh rucola salad.

If you only wish to have the salad or the grilled cheese on its own, its totally fine of course, but the 2 dishes together would make a match made in heaven for a Sunday eat-out with your friends or family.

So here you are… the magnificent grilled cheese and the salad….:)

STEP #1 – Preaparation of stout beer bread:


  • 2 3/4 cups  of rye flour ( 350 gramms)
  • ‘/4 cup milk ( 0, 5 dl )
  • 1 tablespoons cane sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 package yeast
  • 1 cup Stout or Porter beer ( I used Guinness)
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1  tablespoon honey
  • 1 egg


1. Put the yeast to the slightly warm milk for 4-5 minutes  ( my grandma always said it should be just as warm as your hand)  to ferment it a little bit.

2. Mix the flour, sugar, salt, and yeast in a large bowl till thoroughly mixed.

3. Get a small sauce pan and warm the beer on the stove, then add the butter and the honey until they are melt together ( Warning! don’t let it boil)

4. Crack the egg in with the dry ingredients, then  pour in the warmed beer/butter/honey mixture and stir till you get a mixed, slightly sticky dough

5. After you mix everything together, let the dough raise for 30- 40  mins. To help the raising cover  the bowl with a kitchen towel and put some blankets on it or put next to a heater.
6. After 30 mins of rising flour knead the dough for an additional 2-3 minutes , add extra flour if needed but its not necessary.

7. Put some butter to the bread pan to grease it and place the dough in the pan. Let it raise for an addititional 20-25 minutes back under the blankets.

8. Preheat the owen to 375 Farenheits and bake the bread for 30-35 minutes till the top is golden brown. You can also check with  a needle if the dough is ready inside. As the rye flour itself  is darker than plain flour it might get tricky if you are only checking the color changes of the crust.

STEP #2. – Stout bread Grilled Cheese


  • 2 slices of the freshlybaked stour beer bread
  • ‘ tablespoon butter
  • ruccola
  • 4 slices of Old Amsterdam Gouda Cheese


1 . Heat 1 tablespoon  butter in a cast-iron or nonstick skillet over medium-low heat.

2.  Put some butter, ruccola and the Old Amsterdam cheese together as a sandwich

3.Press the sandwich slightly and place it in the skillet. Cook until golden on the bottom, 3 minutes.

4.Flip, adding more butter to the pan if needed, and cook until the other side is golden and the cheese melts, 3 minutes.12992351_10208462086684736_1751558468_n

STEP #3 – Fresh ruccola salad:


  • 1 box of ruccola ( approx. 250  gramms)
  • 1 box of blueberries ( 100 gramms)
  • 2 pears ( the type does not matter, its delicious with all )

Dressing :

  • juice of a half lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of  honey
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil ( extra virgin)


Well there is not much to say. Mix the ingredients of the salad. Mix the ingredients of the dressing and pour it on the salad.  … Ready to be served 🙂13023474_10208462086804739_645114334_n



And here  you go, the perfect picninc menu to be enjoyed with a bottle of stout beer  and ones you’d like to share it with.

Have a nice sunny Sunday and let me know it the recipes worked for you as well ….:)






Sunday spinach-cheddar pie

Sunday Spinach- cheddar pie

Good evening!

I know that I have not posted for a while but I had been pretty busy recently, new work, new adventures  each day so its been pretty challenging  to convince myself to get  back to the kitchen… but, it was indeed more than releiving and energizing to grab the knife again and pamper myself with something cheesy and indulgent.


I usually eat a lot of spinach,..I am basically addicted o it…I love each form of these green leaves from eating it raw in a salad, mixing it with garlic or making a quick soup, but as I enjoy playing with different types of pies I really thought it would worth trying outit  in this form …and without any unbearable self-esteem this spinach – cheddar- cottage cheese pie has turned out to be more than I wished for for a relaxing  Sunday evening.

Why Sunday??? I think it is especially  important to finish a week in the most fullfilling way to be able to start the next Monday  with full energy and positive vibes, and also its not the worst thing to have some pie leftover to bring to work for lunch and remind yourself that you had made something delicious the other day. 🙂

This pie is even better on Mondays served cold…but be aware that your colleagues might ask for a bite.

Enjoy! 😉



  • 25 dkg ( 2, 5 cups) wholegrain flour
  • 8 dkg (0, 8 cup) butter
  • 1 dl cold water
  • salt
  • 1 egg


  • 1 cup ( 10 dkg) of cottage cheese
  • ½ cup of cheddar
  • ½ cup of créme fresch
  • 6 eggs
  • salt
  • pepper
  • ½ onion
  • 2 cups (20 dkg ) of spinach



  • Put the flour in a big bowl, pulse it together with salt.
  • Add butter and one egg and mix until it resembles a coarse meal.
  • Slowly add water and process until a dough comes together.
  • Wrap dough in plastic wrap and chill at least 30-40 minutes in the fridge before rolling out.


Meanwhile, prepare filling as follows:

  • Heat 2 Tbsp olive oil in a large skillet on medium high heat. Add the chopped onion and cook it until transclucent, than add garlic and sauté for about 1 minute, until the garlic is just beginning to brown.
  • Add the spinach to the pan, stir it with the olive oil, cover the pan and cook for 1 minute. Uncover and turn the spinach over again. Cover the pan and cook for an additional minute. (If you cannot find fresh spinach you can also use frozen ones.)
  • Lightly whisk 6 eggs in a mixing bowl and add créme fresch, cottage cheese, cheddar, salt and pepper than pour the mixture on the spinach and stir it together.

The „final” steps:

  • Preheat oven to 375 F. ( 180 C)
  • Take the chilled dough, roll it out and press it into the bottom of a 10-inch pie dish.
  • Prick it with a fork all around, and put it in the oven for 10 minutes.
  • Take it out from the oven, pour the filling in and put the pie back in the oven for 60 minutes, or until the filling is set.
  • Allow it to cool for a bit before serving.



Beverage  pairing recommendation: I would highly recommend to have a pint of Guinness or a coffee stout along with the dish. The strength and creamyness harmonizes with the salty  and soft texture of the pie. If you are more of a wine person I’d advise to have a glass of Chardonnay.

Let me know if you have any comments to share, I hope you enjoy this tendering dish.

Trust me, you won’t regret this happy ending for the week. Stay cheesy and enjoy!!! 🙂